CSCS Mock Test | Free 13+ Online Practice Exam

Our website provides free CSCS mock test questions with answers that help you pass the health, safety, and environment test and earn a CSCS Card. We offer topic-wise quick revision notes and several full 50-question practice tests for operatives, supervisors, and managers. Take these CSCS mock tests to familiarize yourself with the questions asked in the real test.

CSCS Mock Test For Operatives

CSCS Mock Test For Supervisors

CSCS Mock Test For Managers

About CSCS Test

The CSCS test (commonly known as the health, safety, and environment test) aims to ensure that construction workers understand health, safety, and environmental issues relevant to their roles on construction sites.

The CSCS exam typically includes 50 multiple-choice questions covering various topics. You get 45 minutes to answer those questions; a minimum of 45 answers must be correct to qualify for operatives and supervisors and 46 for managers and professionals.

The CSCS exam will examine your knowledge from these five sections:

  • Section A: Working environment
  • Section B: Occupational health
  • Section C: Safety
  • Section D: High-risk activities
  • Section E: Specialist activities

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the CSCS test?

The CSCS card costs £36, and you will also need to take the CITB Health, Safety, and Environment Test, which costs £22.50. Therefore, the minimum cost to obtain a CSCS card is £58.50.

How many questions are in the CSCS test?

There are a total of 50 multiple-choice questions in the CSCS test. You’ll get 45 minutes to answer those questions.

What is the pass mark for the CSCS test?

The CSCS test contains 50 multiple-choice questions, and you need to score 45 out of 50 for operatives and supervisors and 46 out of 50 for managers and professionals.

How hard is the CSCS test?

The difficulty of the CSCS test can vary depending on the individual’s preparation. Our topic-wise revision notes and mock tests will help you pass the CSCS test.