CSCS Mock Test 2

Our second CSCS Mock Test contains 50 safety-based and behavioral case study questions for operatives and specialists. To get a CSCS card, you must correctly answer 45 of 50 questions. At the end of all 50 questions, you’ll see your score and correct answers to all the questions.

Free CSCS Practice Questions

1. What should you do if you’re given a task that requires you to wear a full body harness but you’ve never used one before?


2. How many employees does a company need before risk assessments are recorded?


3. If your job role requires a specific type of PPE, would you need to pay for this?


4. What is Leptospirosis caused by?


5. You find pigeon droppings and a nest in the area where you are about to start work, what should you do?


6. What should you do if you need to lift a load which blocks your front view?


7. You have been shown how you should be lifting a heavy load; after some thought, you think you have a better way. How should you proceed?


8. You can help prevent accidents by?


9. You have been given disposable ear plugs to use, but they keep falling out. What should you do?


10. Which of the following does RIDDOR stand for?


11. What type of pollution do hand-held power tools contribute to?


12. Which of these would be involved in a class B fire? (Select 2 Answers)


13. How can you check if a residual current device (RCD) connected to a power tool is working correctly?


14. If someone falls and is knocked unconscious, what should you do?


15. When using a ladder, you should always ensure that you have at least _ _ _ points of contact.


16. If you want to be a first aider, you should?


17. There are many kinds of dust at work. Breathing them for a long time can cause?


18. What is the most common way of keeping traffic routes free from pedestrians?


19. Which of these should you consider before carrying a load?


20. What should you do if another contractor is doing work that affects your safety?


21. Why is the risk assessment so important?


22. If a site vehicle is driving well above the speed limit on-site, you should _ _ _.


23. Which of the following are the best fire extinguishers for electrical fires? (Select 2 Answers)


24. Which type of accident kills most construction workers?


25. Tools and materials can easily fall from a scaffold platform. What is the best way to protect the people below?


26. According to the fire triangle, what factors must be present for a fire to start?


27. Which of these items would NOT need to undergo a PAT test in the workplace?


28. Which of these could be confused with the early signs of Weil’s disease?


29. What would you do if you noticed a live electrical wire fall into a puddle of water?


30. Equipment that has been issued a prohibition notice must be:


31. What is the main danger when walking next to a 360° crane that’s working near a wall?


32. What is the primary reason that employees must report any accidents that occur on the job site?


33. You are about to start a job. How will you know if it needs a permit to work?


34. You need to move a load that might be too heavy for you. What should you do?


35. What do fire extinguishers with a Black colour band contain?


36. When you climb a ladder, you must?


37. Equipment being used has recently been served a prohibition notice? If you are using this equipment, what should you do?


38. What purpose does a steel toe serve in a work boot?


39. It’s important for you to wear the correct type of gloves when dealing with hazardous substances, if you don’t then you’re likely to succumb to:


40. What type of fire extinguisher should be used on a fuel-based fire?


41. Green safety signs signify:


42. What does it mean if your entire work site has been given a prohibition notice?


43. After you have raised the fire alarm, what should you do next?


44. You need to wear a full-body harness; you have never used one before; what should you do?


45. You need to move a load that is heavier on one side than the other; how should you pick this up?


46. Why does a work environment need to be kept clean?


47. You have seen a close call accident and the coworker that was involved is worried about getting told off, you should?


48. Which of these best describes a “Tool Box Talk”?


49. A Permit to work allows?


50. What should you do if a previous back injury is affecting the job you’re currently doing?


Question 1 of 50