CSCS Gold Card Mock Test – Full 50 Questions

This is a free CSCS Gold Card mock test. It contains 50 questions to help you familiarise yourself with the types of asked in the CIBT Health, Safety & Environment test. You need to pass this test to get a CSCS Gold Card for a supervisory role on the construction sites. Start this test once you’re ready.

What can cause occupational asthma?


When is it necessary to fit guard-rails to a working platform?


According to the Work at Height Regulations, what must be the minimum width of a working platform?


On a scaffold the unprotected gap between any guard-rail, toe-board, barrier or other similar means of protection should NOT exceed:


Ideally, how should a safety net be rigged?


How should access be controlled if people are working in a riser shaft?


To prevent electrical shock, what safety device must be used when operating a 230-volt power tool?


Which option describes a chemical hazard?


Which of these is a fall arrest system?


What is the primary purpose of an emergency escape route?


When should the boundary of a site be secured?


What is the primary hazard associated with excessive oxygen levels in a confined space?


How can asbestos be correctly identified?


When MUST the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) be informed of fatal accidents or dangerous occurrences on-site?


When might you use oxygen to enrich an atmosphere?


Which of the following is considered a biological hazard in the workplace?


Why are COSHH assessments carried out?


Under what conditions might nuisance dust masks be used as RPE?


What must happen if a prohibition notice is issued by an inspector of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or local authority?


Which of the following weather conditions might dangerously impact the stability of an excavation?


What does this sign indicate?

First aid


What must be taken into account regarding the use of LMI units?


What should a supervisor do if a scaffold is not complete?


How should cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) be stored?


What does the word hazard mean?


You are looking for the 400-volt supply on your site’s electrical distribution equipment. How can you identify it?


Under the Work at Height Regulations, how often must a working platform be inspected by a competent person?


Welding is about to start on your site. What should be used to protect passers-by from getting arc eye?


What item should be regarded as a last resort for a worker’s safety if he/she is working at height?


How many people must be employed before it becomes necessary to record the significant findings of risk assessments?


According to the Work at Height Regulations, when must a scaffold inspection report be given following an inspection?


If someone burns their hand, what is the best thing you can do?


When is it advisable to take precautions to prevent the fall of persons, plant, or materials into an excavation?


Which equipment is used in conjunction with a Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) to detect cables?


If you discover a fire, what is the first thing you should do?


The advantage of using safety nets rather than harness and lanyard is that:


What is the main objective of carrying out an accident investigation?


What special measure must be taken if an assessment determines that there may be a risk of asphyxia?


A competent person must routinely inspect a working platform:


What must be done if a scaffold guard rail needs to be removed temporarily?


If a worker tells you they have work-related hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), it should be reported to:


Under the current Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, how long must inspection records be kept on-site?


The maximum vertical height a fixed ladder can be climbed before requiring an intermediate landing place is:


Which of the following is the best way of carrying out chimney work?


What does this sign mean?

safety helmet sign


What time period is used to compare daily dose noise exposure?


What does a low air tightness testing result mean for a building?


What does the term ‘lower exposure action value’ mean when referring to noise?


What is the upper exposure action value for noise?


What does the Beaufort Scale measure?


Question 1 of 50